The project is working fine now. I got, a working LCD panel that recognize stylus position and tip pressure. this electromagnetic field is providing pen location, it sense pen hoovering from about one inch distance, and supply it is X and Y coordinates to the system. following a list and structure shows the main and final components employed in this project:
- Rigid supporting panel isolated with aluminium foil coat to cut off signal interference.
- stylus detector board that sense pen location and it is equipped with a controller board that translate location into usable data, and also collect other pen actions such as tip pressure and the other keys and send it to the computer.
- LCD SXGA panel controller. this controller was also causing an electromagnetic interference at the top part of the panel as it was fixed behind the screen upper part. the solution was to detach it from LCD back and isolate it with aluminium isolating tape, it is working very good now.
- LCD back light as described in the previous post, was replaced with a white LED strip.
- LCD driver that connect the panel to the PC.
- Acrylic working surface for easy hand resting and pen movement and to protect the LCD panel fragile surface.