Wednesday, 27 April 2016

What I have for now

So far, I can access Photoshop, read specific data out of it, transfer it to the processing software I wrote in Python. in other direction, I can get readings from pulse sensor which represent the physical readings of the real world. Using the program I wrote in Python, I can combine these data, process it and send it back to Photoshop.
the project is going in the right direction now, little more steps and it will function as it is designed to.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Developing the Process

to solve some lagging issues, I did many developments to the way of accessing Photoshop sending and receiving process. Also, two physical buttons are there now to control colour saving and processed colour applying processes. pressing the save key will save the current foreground colour by storing RGB channels values in a special array designed for this purpose. the other button, the applying one, is used to activate colour processing procedure using the exact current heart rate average, and to apply the new colour to Photoshop foreground colour, channel by channel.